5 Reasons You’re Not Losing Weight.

#1 The wait (not the weight). When people commit to something new, especially a new diet or way of life, they want to see instant results. The comparison I like to give my clients is like watching water boil. But weight loss just like anything else takes time. If you hover over the pot waiting for the water to boil it takes forever. Whereas if you turn the stove on, make yourself busy, the water will boil sooner than you think.

#2 Moderation vs. All or nothing. The challenge with the “all or nothing” attitude is that it’s really not a sustainable tactic. Research shoes that this depriving approach only leads to greater failure. If you love chocolate or crave pizza, don’t eliminate it all together but rather limit it to how often and how much.

#3 Bad Genes. Depending on your physiology, you might gain and hold on to weight more easily than others. While some body types are naturally more muscular and tend to have speedier metabolisms, others tend to carry more fat and burn calories at a slower rate. This doesn’t mean that it’s impossible, it just means everyone is different and you can’t compare your journey to others.

#4 Be Inconsistent With Consistency. Doing the same exact workout and eating the same exact foods day in and day out? While routines and habits can make it easier to stick to your plans, too much of the same can make it harder to lose weight.

When you repeat an exercise over and over, it eventually gets easier, meaning you’ll burn fewer calories. But mixing up your workouts helps to burn more calories and keep your body guessing.

Same thing goes with eating the same thing. Your body craves variety and eating well balanced meals. This in return helps boost your metabolism.

#5 You’re Working Out Too Much. Being active on the regular is great. But pushing yourself to exercise for hours on end every single day probably won’t speed your fat burning and might actually backfire. The bulk of your weight-loss progress comes from eating less. Besides not getting the results you desire you could negatively effect your portion size by eating more. Studies have shown that people who have increased their exercise typically intake more calories over time. Whats even worse is that you might be building some muscle and need seeing the scale move like you wanted, resulting in some discouraging feelings.

Overexercising can stress your body and puts you at higher risk for developing injuries. If that happens, you could end up totally sidelined from exercise for days, weeks or even longer.

20-30 minutes 3-4 days a week is all you really need if you’re working our correctly.

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