14 Day Diet Plan for Extreme Weight Loss

30 Day Meal Plan

Ready to dive into a transformative 14-day weight loss journey? Here’s your quick guide to get started. While The Approach’s comprehensive course can provide all the details, this cheat sheet will cover the essentials.

Intermittent Fasting 16:8

  • Fasting Window: 16 hours
  • Eating Window: 8 hours

Most people start their eating window around noon, but adjust it to fit your schedule.

Meal Structure

Breaking Your Fast:

  • Protein: 1/4 of your plate
  • Complex Carbohydrates: 1/4 of your plate
  • Vegetables: 1/2 of your plate

Mid-Afternoon Snack:

  • Opt for a piece of fruit like an apple, apple with nut butter, a handful of nuts or seeds, or veggies with guacamole.


  • Protein: 1/4 of your plate
  • Vegetables: 1/2 of your plate
  • Add more vegetables and healthy fats like avocado or olives.

Fasting Tips

  • Beverages: Stick to water, black coffee, or tea with nothing added. You can add a slice of lemon to your water if you like.
  • Hydration: Drink lots of water—aim for 8 glasses a day, with each glass being 16oz.
  • Rest and Activity: Ensure plenty of rest and limit exercise in the first month. Light activities like yoga, stretching, and walking are okay.

Fasting Tips

Hard Rules

  • No Soda or Cigarettes: These are strictly off-limits.
  • Avoid Gluten: Try to eliminate gluten from your diet.

Weigh-In and Community Support

  • Weekly Weigh-In: Every Friday, track your progress. If comfortable, share your results in our private group for support and celebration.
  • Satiety Goal: Aim to feel a satiety level of 7-8 out of 10. Don’t starve yourself—eat healthily and focus on plenty of vegetables.

Accountability and Logging

  • Daily Logging: Keep a daily log of your meals. Adding pictures can be very helpful. This allows me to provide personalized suggestions, review any challenges, and help you stay on track with your goals.

Let’s get started! Remember, the key to success is consistency and support. Let’s make these 14 days count and transform your body together!

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